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Workshop for Social Worker on "How to keep displaced People away from Radicalization, Violence, Extremism or Terrorism", August 17 - 18, 2016 in Tripoli / Lebanon

Terrorism is no longer a topic limited to a specific or particular country but has spread all over the world. This topic cannot be faced only in military way but through making young people aware of the seriousness of extremism.

In order to keep them away from terrorism and through the dissemination of religious tolerance and the involvement of young people at work, creating new opportunities for them in life to keep them away from terrorist groups that exploit the economic needs in order to attract them to violence and extremism.

With the presence of nearly 1.5 million Syrian refugees in various regions of Lebanon, some of them living in camps and a large part of them live in rented apartments between Lebanese homes and in residential crowded neighborhoods, where in one apartment live several families most of the time, where they became ticking bombs, no one knows when it goes off.

These conditions make it necessary to develop a contingency plan in order to keep refugees from terrorism, extremism and rejection of violence. The Ministry of Social Affairs and the Civil Society have the main role in this regards because of the presence of the social workers in the Ministry centers and employees of NGOs are the most people who come into contact with displaced on a daily basis and they are the most persons to know their needs and propose appropriate solutions based on their observations and experiences.

Because of the fact that the academic curriculum, which is studied by these social workers, do not notice these topics, the workshop was conducted in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs - MoSA.

The aims of the workshop were

  • to provide the participants about the danger of terrorism and its types and to discuss the different kinds of terrorism
  • to inform the participants about the different method of terrorism and its negative results
  • to discussing the qualities and characteristics of the category affected by terrorism
  • the role of the NGOs and Social Workers of MOSA in this regards
  • the different actors intervening in the removal of Syrian refugees from terrorism and violence process
  • different methods that can be used for intervening in the removal of Syrian refugees from terrorism and violence
  • to build-up a plan for the groups affected by terrorism
  • to develop a future strategy on how to involve Syrian refugees in work to keep them away from terrorism

After given information for social workers about different kinds terrorism and psychological characteristics of young people exposed to drift toward violence, extremism and terrorism, the role of social workers in how to monitor these cases and how to handle it was discussed. The participants got the necessary knowledge of how to deal with this category in a safe and smooth way in order to try to win confidence in the first phase and to evaluate the appropriate solutions for the development of each individual case.

One of the possible solutions is to create jobs for young people without breaking the Lebanese labor law and to involve them in the activities carried out by the associations, NGOs and international to develop their abilities and try to help them.

At the end of the workshop the social workers were be able to discover the extremist tendencies among young people displaced, they gain the knowledge of tools how to guide them and help them to stay away from violence and extremism.