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Good Governance in Lebanon
''Good Governance in public administration: How do we apply it in Lebanon?''

The “Tammouz Center for Studies and Training on Citizenship”, in cooperation with the “Hanns Seidel Stiftung”, held a discussion and reflection workshop entitled:“Good governance in public administration: How do we apply it in Lebanon?” on the 27th-28th of May 2022, in Byblos Jbeil.

  The opening session began with a speech of the workshop manager Dr.Mustafa Helweh and a welcome speech by the President of "Tammouz" Center, Dr. Adonis El Akra, followed by  welcome speech by Mr. Kristof Duwaerts, Regional Officer of the "Hanns Seidel" Foundation in Jordan, as well as a speech by its representative in Lebanon, Mr. Tony Ghorayeb and of the Workshop coordinator: Dr.Nadim Mansouri.


Administrative reform has become a concern of successive governments since the establishment of the Lebanese Republic, especially after the increase of the roles of the state, the complexity of life conditions, and the increasing needs of the Lebanese citizens, who are now suffering under difficult economic, social, political and security conditions. As the country suffered a lot from conflicts, calamities, and wars, it was forced to go out to defend its safety and borders to secure stability.

Lebanon suffers from a budget deficit and an increase in public debt numbers resulting from inflated public expenditures and a decline in revenues. The reason for this is the penetration of corruption of public administrations and institutions, the imbalance in the composition of the tax system, heavy losses in some public sector facilities, and other problems that the country is indulging in finding solutions to, but to no avail.




Although there are different meanings of the term good government, the term is generally related to the political, economic and social goals that are necessary to achieve development. Thus, good governance is the process by which public institutions manage public affairs and public resources in a way that promotes the rule of law and the realization of human rights (civil, political, economic, social and educational rights).

The workshop provided the participants with all the information on administrative corruption and how to implement the good governance in public administration by carrying out reform in all state facilities.

It has also enabled them to analyse and evaluate the information and advice given and has encouraged them to engage in dialogue on how to prepare ideas to save the state from the corruption, and has offered them opportunities to broaden their experience and develop their personal skills to reach these goals.

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