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Rules and Principles of Good Governance

The Arab World Center for Democratic Development and Human Rights, in partnership with Hanns Seidel Stiftung, continues to hold a series of various educational workshops, the latest of which was in Irbid with 65 patricipants over two days, under the title "Rules and Principles of Good Governance".

The speakers at the beginning of the workshop, Mr. Ziad Al-Alawna, and Mr. Raad Al-Hasanat said that despite the many definitions of good governance, we could specify that it include all institutions in society, including state agencies, civil society bodies, and the private sector. And that good governance can be measured by achieving civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights and solidarity rights, promoting the concept of participation, promoting integrity and fighting corruption, achieving sustainable development goals, and building a free media.


They talked about the principles and pillars of good governance, including transparency, which means that there are no matters regarding the civil society organization that are hidden from the public, while ensuring the free flow and exchange of information in a timely manner, as well as the rule of law and the existence of a clear and sound legislative basis for all Legislation under which the association exercises its authority, tasks and duties, and so that these legislations are considered the basic reference regulating its work in a clear and comprehensive manner and the issuance of legislation in accordance with constitutional procedures and applicable legal principles.

They also discussed strategic planning and explained that it is a term synonymous with the term strategic management, and strategic planning is a science and art concerned with forming strategies to achieve a specific goal, then implementing them and evaluating the results based on them and comparing them with the goals and needs of the organization in the long term, and it also integrates all sectors of the organization’s departments from accounting, marketing and human resources in order to achieve the organization's strategic goals.


At the end of the workshop, the participants came out with a set of recommendations, including the government’s initiative to implement the principles of good governance in all institutions, with the presence of a team specialized in training, follow-up and evaluation, and holding awareness and education workshops in all regions of the Kingdom to raise awareness and educate people about good governance.


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