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What's happening at HSS?

Zero plastic in Deir El Ahmar - Lebanon
Solid waste sorting from the source

A campaign was launched for schools and the local community in order to minimize solid waste.

Awareness for Lebanese and Syrian Women

Awareness for Lebanese and Syrian Women


The Women Association of Deir El Ahmar - WADA, the Municipality of Deir El Ahmar and the Lebanese Fiber Company - LEFICO have agreed to tackle the solid waste problem in the community.

During the period from 27th of February until 2nd of March 2018 teacher and students as well as Lebanese and Syrian housewives were informed on how to minimize the solid waste by sorting it at the source.  

Visit of Sicomo cartoon and paper recycling

Visit of Sicomo cartoon and paper recycling


On the 1st of March a field trip with chosen focal points was organized to Ryak to visit LEFICO to have a practical insight into plastic recycling following a visit to SICOMO in Kab Elias to learn about cartoon and paper recycling. 

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